Professional liability insurance is a type of business insurance that provides coverage for professionals and businesses to protect against claims of negligence from clients or customers. Professional liability insurance typically covers negligence, copyright infringement, personal injury, and more. Claims covered by a professional liability policy can include damages caused by things you did and/or things that you should have done.
Although many types of businesses can be helped with professional liability insurance coverage, let's look at a few real life examples. Let's say you're a project manager. You accidentally forget to get to tell your client about needed sign offs causing project delays that increase the cost. Or maybe you're a massage therapist and your client sues you, claiming you caused tissue damage. These are just a few of the cases that professional liability insurance could help you with. Many people often pair it with general liability insurance for more complete coverage.
You should consider professional liability insurance if your business provides:
Some jobs and contracts require PLI. Beyond that, mistakes happen. Make sure that you and your business are protected with the right coverage.
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